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SWOON is an invitation to remember your innate wisdom To tune in, to listen to your body and be all of who you are... Unapologetically.

This lifestyle is for women who grew up hearing they need to be more…….. more sexy, more polite , more professional , more...Insert your story here. Within you is an expanse of infinite beauty and complexity that is yours to discover, define, and employ as you wish.

Swoon is a learning experience for anybody who is ready to explore the exciting and healing depths of their true sexual essence. Every month for 12 months, students access members-only educational content across a range of engaging formats including video sessions, audio practice, guided home study and live events. Plus you will be connected with a whole community of like minded individuals. Swoon is led by its principal teacher, Sex and intimacy coach Lila Darville. Lila is also joined by other teachers who are pioneering in the fields of sexuality, relationships and holistic health.


By becoming a member, you will have an access to:




Also you will learn how to:
Have more pleasure
Discover authentic expression in sex
Expand your Orgasmic capacity
Be confident in the bedroom
Awakening sexual desire and libido
Deepen you intimate relationships
Navigate Desire discrepancies in relationships
Authentic communication
Understanding and centering your pleasure
Empowered Birth + Parenting
Live Turned On
Understand your yes’s form your no’s